Up to 88% of business cards are thrown out within a week. It doesn’t matter how much effort went into card design, artwork or logos – that’s still the number you’re working with.
The biggest reason people give to this, is that they didn’t need the service being provided.
That’s right! It’s not because they didn’t like you or you gave a bad pitch BUT this is a matter of timing.
When someone sees your card and thinks ‘I don’t need this service’, what they mean is ‘I don’t need this service “right now’’.
Because a digital business card doesn’t need to be processed or filed away, they can be saved directly into any address book or contact list, people can easily find it if they need your product or service at a later stage.
So, if it is important for your business, that everyone you meet have your contact details, you should look at investing in a digital business card solution.